Building High-Performing Sales Teams For Dummies, PXT Select® Special Edition

No activity directly impacts your company’s success more than sales. A high-performing sales team is the face of your business and is essential to capture prospects and retain customers. With data-informed insights, you can hire the right people and coach your sales team to excel.

Our eBook, Building High-Performing Sales Teams For Dummies, PXT Select® Special Edition, is your road map for creating the kind of sales team your business needs to succeed, helping you both hire and develop your sales dream team. The book is packed with research insights, as well as real-world examples of how other companies, just like yours, have achieved extraordinary sales success.

Download Building High-Performing Sales Teams For Dummies to learn how to:

  • Avoid sales hiring disasters
  • Predict sales performance using data
  • Coach for sales success
  • Leverage critical sales competencies

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